Why Ponder? Life with a thought bubble.

Pondering on life's rhetorical questions. There are thoughts that go unheard, there are words that were never said, there are things that drown me from inside. I have to loosen this lid, I have to let it all out, and I want you all to know. Thoughts go in my head, thoughts go out of my head, write now, regret later. These are my thought bubbles...

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

2nd day...

Wow, I really love this blogger. I've been thinking about it last night, then I woke up this morning around 10:00am, well I woke up a little earlier, but went back to sleep - I was thinking about how cool this is... hmm I can't think of a better word to replace "cool" yet, sorry it does sound a little silly.

It's still winter in Australia, it wasn't as cold today as it should have been, or it usually is, I wear socks to bed, usually take them off sometime during the night, I just slip out of it, stripping it off with my other toe, and so forth.

It's a bright sunny morning, it's 11:04am right now, about 30 mins ago, I was outside playing with my dog, still in my sleep wear, just something different I guess. I have a 3-4 year old terrier like dog, pretty small/medium built, lot of blondish fur/hair and loves to play; well ball.

Then I went to the bathroom to wash my face etc... well I won't go into the details. I look at myself in the mirror a lot, I'm beautiful, ha ha, ok that sounded, well, some people would use the word "happy", if you know what I mean, I assure you, I'm straight. I do have quite a few handsome features, although I am quite self conscious - most of the time, but hey, I'm working on it !!

I hope I don't become those people who just talk about themselves, well isn't this what a blogger suppose to write about? Anyway, I've been thinking, since I'm writing down so much about myself, my thoughts, my life, everything around me... on and on... It might sound a little like a diary, not that it really matters to me, well, it doesn't, IT DOESN'T !!!

Have the radio on..
My mood is adjusted by the song that's played...

I think I'll go and check out the other bloggers..
Oh by the way, write some comments please, ha ha.

(11:09am now)


Blogger zgirl said...

Why do you say some people will use the word 'happy'? Is it a replacement word used by guy for beautiful?

Anyway, there's nothing to worry about looking at the mirror frequently - you are not the only one.

8:08 pm  

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