I took a personality test a few months ago to find out I was an Introvert. My unique personality type is an INTJ, stands for Introvert, Intuition, Thinker, Judger. "People of this type tend to be: autonomous, aloof, and intellectual; imaginative, innovative, and unique; critical, analytical, and logical; intellectually curious, driven to learn and increase their competence and knowledge; socially cautious and reserved; organized and definitive."
I took the test again a few days ago and I scored the same result. I am really an Introvert. All my life I thought there was something wrong with me, I always avoided things that other people do such as loud, noisy, senses intensive things. Introverts get energy from within, they are like rechargable batteries, Extroverts get their energy from around them, they are like solar panels. Introverts give out energy therefore their energy are quickly drained in social situations, Extroverts get energy from being with people, talking and socialising. Introverts like alone time, reflection, reading, listening to music, walking and admiring nature.
I have been reading a lot about this personality on the net these past few days, and I have found out that there really isn't anything wrong with me, I'm just introverted. Introvert make up 20-30% of the population and extroverts make up around 80-90% of the population. We are the minorities, like the left handed people, the gay community, the women in the 20s. The world was not made for us, we are like extra terrestrials only to find outselves living in their world, a foreign place where we can choose to thrive on or hide away. People see us as weird, lonely people, too intellectual, deeply emotional and among other things. It's like the world made only right hand gloves and we flip it inwards to wear it on our left, it doesn't work, but we pretend it does.
Most people live their life without knowing this, they think there is something wrong with them, no there is nothing wrong with us, it is a "very" legitimate personality.
All of my life I have been living in an extroverted world, a family that pushes me and tries to carve me into something that I cannot be. They have made me feel ashamed and low about myself, but today this has changed.
Famous introverts were Albert Einstien, Sir Issac Newton, Michael Jackson, Steven Hawkins, Steven Spielberg, Jackie Kennedy, Mother Theresa just to name a few.
I want to let people know that being an introvert is a beautiful thing.
"introverts value and teach the virtues of solitude, the power of self knowledge, the communicative aspect of silence, the joy of reading and the ecstasy of communion with nature."