Just got home
Got home from uni, it's 3:55pm right now, had a class about multimedia - sound principles. Hmm, one thought in my mind describes this lecture, "snore". I can't believe it, it's not me, I don't feel "bored" at classes, at least I always try to be passionate about uni.
Don't get me wrong, I love what I do, I love what I'm going to become and I love how I'm going to become it. I'm going to be successful, everyone's going to notice me, everyone is going to know me, I'm a leader, I'm a follower, but I lead.
Passion... hmm. I get this huge bolt of inspiration and motivation to do things; sometimes. Most times I try to get it in me. I am a designer, I am an artist, I am creative and I sometimes; well, am neither. That's life, you are what you think, believe and feel like you (want to be) are. If you don't want it, you won't have it, If you want it, you can have it. I want it, I want to be all that I can be, I dream, I think about things, I know what I can achieve, and I know I will achieve it.
I see myself as a respectable person, people know me, people talk to me, people may or may not understand me, but they respect me, they listen, sometimes they are quiet around me. Sometimes I'm quite serious, sometimes I'm not. I am human, and a human "being", I try to be. I try to feel happy, try to feel good, try to feel interested, try to feel wanted, try to feel like I belong.
I know, sometimes you just don't belong to things, that's just life. People get along with people who they think will get along with, but that's not the case, sometimes you make a lot of errors, that's just life, It's a life of trial and a life of errors, eventually you will live through them and remember the good things out of it.
Anyway, that's all I have to say right now, that's all I have in my mind, there are other things... hmm, no; I'll save the space.
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